tornadoe warning today Kind of like my life right now!!!

It is one hot and muggy day today!!! I am stifled down here. I have the fan going non-stop but that doesn’t seem to be helping one bit. I’m suffocating. Maybe it’s because theres a tornado warning on right now. As everyone in this part of the province knows, most warnings turn out to be nothing so I’m not the least bit concerned really. It just means the weather is brutally hot and humid! If I end up staying here,… an air conditioner will be a must!
I have been on the phone with the Vallyview Apartments and have asked them to put me on their waitting list for a two bedroom apartment. (which they gladly did) What they don’t know is I probobly won’t be accepted because I only work part-time and I just started that job. I am going to ask Doreen if she can lie for me and say that I work at Prestige Trophy for them full time. It’s asking a lot but I’m really in a bind here. I am absolutely miserable living here at the moment. I only hope Doreen doesn’t feel like shes obliged to lie for me.
But now Chris is saying that he is going to evict the people upstairs so now I don’t know what to do. ?????????

Stinkin’ hot day

Wow was it hot out today. The news said it was 34 degrees and I believe it!  I got up at 9 and went to Curves for my workout and nearly died. I came home, showered and went to the mall after that. The mall is air conditioned! Later in the afternoon I went grocery shopping. It wasn’t until I got home that the trouble started. I came home to find a truck in the driveway so I had nowhere to park. (and theres no parking on the street). To make a long story short, I ended up in a right ol barmy with the eejits upstairs. I was so upset when I came back in that I was shaking. I ended up having a shot of zambucca just to calm down. Anyone who knows me knows that That is not usual for me so it shows how upset I was.
But 20 minutes later the doorbell rang and it was flowers. They were from Paul in England congratulating me on my new job. It really cheered me up after the row I’d just had with the neighbours. He’s always so thoughtful that way.Anyway, it’s too damn hot to type (or even think) so I am off to bed. tarra

My first day of work

I did my first shift today. Unfortunately it was just an orientation so I didn’t really do anything relating to my job. Just the policies and union I have to join,etc,… But I’m still looking forward to my next shift which is Thursday from 5 -9. It will feel really good to get back into a ‘career’ as such. To do something I know, I love, and I’m good at. It makes me feel like everything in my life is falling into place now. Things can only go up from here.  🙂
I’m having problems with the neighbours though. I went to have my shower at 2:30 when the 4 guys just happened to come home from work. Next thing I know, all 4 of them are taking their showers one after the other. I had to wait 40 minutes and by that time all the hot water was gone. Then, later I go to brush my teeth before work and no water is coming out of the tap. (???) I finally figured it out. They had bought a pool and were filling it with water from the hose. A POOL!  I refuse to put up with them drinking and carrying on all summer 5 feet from my bedroom window! I called C**** my landlord and told him I had had enough and I was now looking for a new place. That made him finally take notice. He told me to leave it with him. So hopefully he is going to finally evict them. I know I’m fed up and it wasn’t a threat – I will. I don’t want to,…but I will. I am that fed up.
My Aunt D***** phoned me crying so I was trying to deal with that too. Poor woman. She is in the same position as I was ten years ago. I’m worried for her. But she has decided to go to therapy and I am relieved about that. I can support her but I’m not a doctor. She needs more than I am capable of giving her. So I’m so glad that she has decided to take this step.
Anyway, must run,….tarra

I got the job!

Today has been great dispite the horrible night I spent listening to the eejits upstairs. There was a whole pack of them upstairs partying last night. It was 2:30 in the morning before they finally went to bed and shut up. Their alarm accidently went off at 5 in the morning and that woke me up. It was 7 before I fell back to sleep. My sleep has been so erratic since they moved in. I’ve turned into a dog sleeping short naps throughout the day and night. Anyway, I went for my job interview at 3 and I got the job. I am so relieved. My bank account was draining at an alarming rate. Now I can hopefully catch up. I’m also happy because it’s a job I’ve done before and know I love it.
When I got home, I went to a big sale the used book store had on today. I got 8 paperbacks for $4.00. Can’t beat a bargain! Thats me gone for the rest of the summer. LOL
Then I got caught up on my letter writing. Now it’s 9:00 and I am going to settle in for a night of telly and chocolate. Tarra

Great Day today!

Today was better than the rest of the week has been. The weather was nothing to get excited about as it was wet and overcast. I got up at 9 having set my alarm clock. I got two calls about jobs in the morning. One was from Tim Hortons which didn’t surprize me. I don’t really want to go back working there though so I didn’t call them back right away. Good thing I held off as I then got a call from Dr. Leonard (an Optometrist) asking me to come in for an interview tomorrow. I am so relieved! This is a job I can be really happy at. It’s what I enjoy doing. It won’t be an ‘ok I’ll settle for it" job at all. I was so excited I went out to the mall to buy something to wear for the interview. I don’t have any ‘office’ clothes that fit me so I really did need something. I found two pairs of pants and a blouse. That will do for now. I won’t be able to relax now until I’ve been for the interview and know one way or the other if I’ve got the job or not. If I don’t, then I will call Tim Hortons back and start there until something better comes along but if I do get the job…. Things will finally be on the way back up…
On the down side,… The neighbours upstairs are doing my head in!!!!!!! They are partying hard tonight. I can barely hear my TV. They know how much I hate noise and they have been reminded by the landlord to keep it down but the more they drink the louder they get. I’m really fed up with it all. If this is going to be a regular occurance then I will be looking for places anew… I pay too much money each month to be bothered with this crap every weekend.

Beautiful weather today!

Today wasn’t bad. Okay, I didn’t get up until 11. But, I’m still struggling with sleep paterns because of the noise. But I did manage to go out pounding the pavement for work this afternoon. I gave out about 20 resumes so time will tell how that works out. A couple of them looked promising but then again I’ve had others that sounded promising but never heard a dickie bird.
I finished yet another book last night. Atleast my reading isn’t suffering. I’ve read three books since I moved in here. I’ve just started reading "Passage to India" which I read many years ago and loved so thats what my head will be buried in for awhile.
Sorry but thats all my (boring) news for today. Tarra

Much better day today

Today was a much better day. I was still woken up at 5:15 this morning by the alarm upstairs and wasn’t able to get back to sleep. Finally at 8 I gave up and got up. I don’t know what on earth I’m going to do to fix that. I don’t want to wake up at 5 every morning.
Anyway, still felt rough so I decided to go to curves and work out. That made me feel much better. When I got home, C**** , my landlord, was here so we took the opportunity to call C**** downstairs and have a little meeting about the problems we’re having. I think we cleared the air. Only time will tell. But either way, I’m stuck here for a year becaiuse of the lease I signed so I pretty much just have to deal with it. Cross your fingers.
Didn’t have ANY chocolate today. Thats a huge accomplishment for me!  🙂
I didn’t go out looking for work today because I still have that bloody great coldsore on my lip. I’ll wait till that subsides a bit. I can just here it now,… "Did you see that chick who came in for a job? She had this huge goiter on her face…"
Maybe tomorrow….

sick day

Today was such a waste! I set the alarm for 9 planning to go out job hunting.  But no go. I woke up feeling like crap. On top of the Fibromyalgia which seemed to have flared up over the weekend, I now have my period to add to the fun. And what comes with that? Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!!! I am feeling like an overstuffed sausage. Crampy, bloaty, yucky,…. I also woke up with a bloody great coldsore on my lip. Very attractive! So I will be hibernating for the next day or two until I’m feeling a bit better.

Quieter Day

Things are eerily quiet upstairs. Hmmmmm……
Anyway,… It’s been a boring day here. I got up at 9, showered and cleaned up. Forgot it was Monday not Sunday so I got all ready to watch two hours of Cory Street only to find it was on yesterday and I had missed it. So I did a bit of cleaning. My girlfriend Beth called around noon. She was at the Newmarket Tim Hortons on her way home from the cottage so I drove over there and had a short visit with her. We haven’t seen each other in over a year so that was nice. This afternoon I watched tv. I think I may just get into my jammies and spend a quiet evening in bed reading. Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to look for a job.

Not a good day!

I have not had a good day. I was kept up until 1:30 last night. I’m really tired and feel quite rough today. The music is continuing. I finally went up their 5 minutes ago and banged on their door. I told them (and not very nicely) that I am fed up with all the noise. I let them know I am really pissed off. They of course sent poor Cathy to the door to receive all my attitude because they don’t want to face me. Then I called my landlord and left a long and detailed message letting him know I am not at all happy living here. And now there is nothing else that I can do. I’m actually shaking right now so I poured myself a drink and I’m trying to calm dpwn and relax. I get so pissed off with people who have absolutely no respect for others. Anyway, thats my rant today. I thought I’d feel better writing it down but I don’t. I’m still really pissed.