This is a long one. Best put kettle on

It’s been an eventful week. 

I have been struggling extra hard with my medication and its sedating effects. I can’t seem to get enough sleep (sometimes sleeping up to 12 – 14 hours at a time) and once I’m awake I never feel awake. I feel tranquillized. The drugging effect is making it virtually impossible to function right now.

But I had no choice but to drive out to Newmarket Sunday for a bridal shower for my cousin. So I purposely didn’t take my medication Saturday night because I wanted to be able to make the drive safely – not drugged) This was NOT an obligatory event. I really like this cousin and therefore really wanted to be at this shower. But even though I felt ok setting off, by the time I had driven the 2 hours to get there I could feel the horrible tell-tale signs of a migraine coming on. I did my best to ignore it though and managed to make it through the afternoon.

This shower was a difficult thing for me to attend because right now I’m not in a good place mentally. I find anything social where I have to mingle with people quite difficult. My feelings of depression were quite bad and making the effort to “fake” being well and happy was quite exhausting. I was disappointed it had to be this way because as I mentioned before I really did want to be at this shower and see my cousin, Aunt and another cousin neither whom I had seen in a while. But my deteriorating mental state made it hard for me to muster up any enthusiasm. I honestly just felt flat, sad… depressed. And those feelings ruined the whole event. I only hope I didn’t ruin it for my cousin. I’d feel quite bad if I managed to upset her because of my lack-luster mood. I was so exhausted by the time I got home I went to bed around 9 that evening.

Monday morning at 6:30 I got a text from my sister-in-law saying that her father had passed away during the night. My heart sank when I read it because I know how much this lovely man is going to be missed to my brother and sister-in-law and her family. It was expected after an illness but being expected doesn’t make it any less sad. Poor L*** had just gotten over caring for and grieving for my Mom and now her own Dad passing away. I wanted to go over there and help in any way I could. I wanted to be there for them. But being in such a fragile mental state right now I’m just not able to be much of a support to them. I’m not coping well with anything and find myself unable to function normally because of it. I wanted to be there for them… I just wasn’t able to. And that makes me feel like a failure. In fact, the sedation of this damn Seroquel left me so “hungover”  (downright drugged) that I couldn’t even get out of bed until noon Monday and by the time I had a coffee and shower it was after 3 before I finally even got in touch with either of them. And to me… that’s unacceptable. I dropped the ball on this one and I feel terrible about it.

That same day, I got an email from my ex saying M******* had been admitted into Newmarket hospital. Yes, you read that right… He e-mailed me. (You couldn’t have picked up the phone to call and let me know??) And on top of that, I found out later that she had been in there for 2 days already before he told me. Not even H***** knew until Monday. That was a bit upsetting because I was actually in Newmarket on Sunday afternoon and could have gone to see her. But no one thought to even tell me my own daughter was in hospital.

I’m not going to go into the details of why she’s in there. She has unfortunately inherited the “not so well mentally” gene from me. She, too, struggles with life sometimes. She just got a bit overwhelmed with it all so went into hospital to allow herself to get healthy once again. I have no idea how long she will be in there but as long as she is getting better it doesn’t matter how long it takes. Tuesday I drove out there to see her. I didn’t know how she would feel about that. I was worried that after our little “incident” last week that she may not even want to see me. But she did. And we had a good visit. But I can’t help feeling that I’m the one who pushed her over the edge and caused her to end up in hospital. Obviously we didn’t talk about “the incident” as it wasn’t the time or the place and quite frankly at this point it doesn’t even really matter. All that matters is that we are communicating with each other once again.

This is one aspect of mental illness that I just can’t seem to accept. It’s bad enough that I suffer from these mentally ill diseases. But knowing that I genetically passed it down onto both of my children is really difficult to accept. I know in my head that I didn’t’ do it deliberately and it wasn’t my fault (anymore than it was my own parents fault for passing it down to me) But every time I see either of my girls struggling with their mental health I can’t help but feel really, really guilty. No parent ever wants to see their children suffer with anything let alone something that they more than likely have because of me. The guilt eats away at me.

As for me… as I mentioned earlier I’m finding it hard to function. I can’t seem to concentrate on any one thing right now. My thoughts are all kind of jumbled together so just doing everyday chores is a bit difficult right now. I go to the grocery store but can’t seem to concentrate on what I need to buy and get it all wrong. I make myself a list everyday of what needs to get done. Simple things like laundry… call the doctors… pay the bills…. Make meals… But my mind just isn’t cooperating and I can’t seem to do these things. This is when I find it hard living alone. If I was married I would have a spouse to take care of the stuff that needs doing. But I don’t have anyone. So I really have to push myself and work hard to keep things going. I don’t think I’m explaining this very well. Basically, being very depressed paralyzes you. You get stuck in the “Black Fog’. Your brain seems to shut down. You just can’t function.

I got a call from the Trellis Mental Health facility that my Doctor had put me on a list for (under urgent apparently due to my lack of ability to function properly right now) They said to call them back and I will have to do a 20 minute “intake” Then I will be assessed and called back and told what will happen next. I will be assigned a psychiatrist (finally) and whatever other help or support they feel I will need to help me get better. I got this call on Friday. I still haven’t called them back and it’s already Wednesday night. (This being a perfect example of needing to get something done that’s important but can’t seem to pull myself together enough to accomplish it  ~  Honestly, in the past few weeks, having my shower everyday is my big accomplishment. )

But I’m not giving up. I am pushing really hard to keep going. I want to get better and I know that I am the only one who can make that happen. (OK, with the help of doctors and medication too) Tomorrow is another day. And each day I push through is an accomplishment right? So, tomorrow I will get up early and drive to Newmarket so I can visit with M******* in hospital. She needs me right now and I have to do all I can to make sure I’m there for her.

When I get this overwhelmed with life it’s best not to look at the big picture. I just need to take one day at a time and the future will take care of itself.

I have stumbled

I have stumbled in my struggle to fight this depression.

Right now my mental health is quite fragile and I can only cope if I have no pressure on me at all. I am finding that the only way to get through each day is to set myself small goals to accomplish. Get up… have a shower… make my bed… do dishes… go for a walk, etc… It must seem absurd to a healthy person reading this that these things are even considered difficult to do because to them they just do them automatically without any thought at all. But to someone who is depressed everything becomes a monumental chore. Right now one of the big things I’m contending with is getting out of my apartment. When I’m depressed my apartment becomes my sanctuary. Here there is no stress to cope with. There are no people to have to “fake it” for (which is so exhausting to do).   No one can hurt me in here. Anxiety and depression hold me hostage. But to me… this is a necessary evil because stress and anxiety are so much worse.

It doesn’t help that the medication I am on has me sleeping most of the day. And when I am awake I am left with the dreaded “Seroquel hangover”. This has me feeling like I’m walking through molasses all day. That is why the small everyday tasks become so difficult.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that right now things are pretty fragile.

So when something happens in my life I don’t seem to be able to cope with it very well. A few days ago something happened that has upset me quite a bit. I can’t really go into what it was because this is a public blog and I would be infringing on people’s privacy if I did as it would be obvious who I was talking about even if I didn’t name any names.

On the whole, the “incident” wasn’t that huge a deal really. Ok, that’s not true… The incident itself wasn’t that big, but the outcome of it was. It really hurt me. It has sent me spiraling back down into depression once again. Right now, I’m not even functioning. I called my Doctors office and they put an urgent rush on my psychiatrist referral and it should only be a matter of days before I hear anything now. In the meantime I’m just to stay home and wait this out. And that is where things are at the moment.

Not a very interesting or cheerful entry today but it’s an honest one.

Just dropping in

Well I’m still struggling. With the descending depression,… but mostly on trying to stay awake! These damn pills I have to take make my eyelids feel 10 pounds and my shoes like lead boots. It’s awful.

But there have been good things going on too. I went and got my hair cut and styled yesterday. First time I’ve been to a proper hair salon in years. (Usually I just go to my cousin or super clips and get trims once every 6 months!). I like it. And it makes it so much easier to take care of when you have a proper cut. Every woman needs a visit to the beauty salon once in a while. It can be a nice pick-me-up.  

 The rain seems to have cleared up and the weather is awesome. It’s not too hot and there’s no humidity which is perfect for me. I only wished it would stay like this for the whole summer. But I am in Canada so I know that will never happen. The dreaded HUMIDITY is on the way. So luckily Glen came over today and measured my window and is going to get my air conditioner installed sometime this weekend. Yeah!! I really don’t know what I would do without him. It’s a huge help him doing that for me. HUGE! I do admit I am a bit of a princess and just can’t live without my air. Aside from the fact that the humidity just zaps the energy out of me it also leaves my hair so frizzy I look like Don Ho!!

Also, I’m going to pick Hayley up from her work tomorrow night and drive her here for the weekend. Definitely looking forward to that. The two of us get up to all sorts when we’re together and no matter what it is we do we always end up laughing and giggling like little girls. (Will miss Michelle though ~ she can’t make it)

Next weekend I go to my cousin T****’s bridal shower. I haven’t seen her or my Aunt D or S**** in ages so I’m really looking forward to that. My Aunt has always been like my best friend and I have been missing her so much. I just live that little bit too far away from her now. But I will just have to make a special effort to get together every once in a while. Shes good for me.

What else? Not much I guess. I know,… this is a short entry and didn’t really have much to say. Just thought I’d drop in any way.