Back to Normal?

Well, I think things are slowly getting back to normal. Or normal for me,… I don’t think anyone can say my life is normal,…LOL
I’m back working full time. It feels so good to know that I have money coming in once again. Okay, It’s only a cashiers job at Wal-Mart but as long as the bills get paid.
I had my specialist appointment at the hospital with a neurologist Friday. He just confirmed what we already suspected. Pinched median nerves in both wrists. He suggested surgery but that just isn’t an option for me right now so I think I’ll just continue wearing the braces while at home and see how it goes.
For the few weeks that I wasn’t working I had been spending a lot more time on Facebook and have finally had the chance to look up all those people I’ve been meaning to look up. Found quite a few. It’s nice to reconnect with friends and family. I ran across a couple I went to school with and haven’t seen in 25 years! Kind of fun to hear what they’ve been up to. I also found my cousin in Winnipeg which was great as I had lost touch with her a good 10 years ago. Even found some family overseas!
Anyway, I’m off to bed. It’s late and I took a shift for someone tomorrow (5 to midnight) for a bit more money. See if I can’t pay off some of these accumulated bills!
Till next time then,… Ta’rra

This baby wot stop crying!

Michelle came home with a mechanical baby for her parenting class. She has it for the whole weekend. The thing is the most annoying thing ever!!!! It cries like a real baby and you try everything and it just keeps on crying. Brought me back to sleepness nights of when my two were babies. It is quite hilarious to see Michelle get so frustrated with it though. It certainly is giving her a reality dose. LOL She now swears she will never have children. She came stomping up the stairs totally frustrated saying shes fed up. Haha,… It’s a bit like getting my own back,…Open-mouthed For all those nights she kept me up!!!! Atleast I don’t have to worry about any teenage pregnancy in this house now.
I got a bit more painting done today. All the trim around the patio door. It feels like it’s taking me forever to get this decorating done. Tomorrow we’re going to Brampton to see my Mom so I have a day off from it. Honestly, I see paint rollers in my sleep!

Another new job!

Well, Wal-Mart finally called me back for a third interview. So I went to that on Wednesday night. I got the job and accepted it as it’s full time and pays more than Shoppers Drug Mart. So now I am the new Wal-Mart greeter!  KIDDING!!!!!! No, I’m hired on as a cashier. I am guaranted 28 to 44 hours weekly and get benefits after 6 months. Lets hope this is the last time I start a new job. As long as I can pay my bills I’m happy. And being a cashier only means no heavy lifting or any physical work so it’s more suited to me. I had the orientation tonight and work my first shift tomorrow night. These past few months have been so stressful that I’m hoping I can settle into this job and become more stable once again.
Anyway, It’s ten o’clock and I’m off to watch my new favorite show,… "Tudors" I’m such a history geek,…Nerd

First day at my new job

Well, It was my fist shift at my new job (Shoppers Drug Mart) and it went well. The old store is still open but we were in the new store stocking and labelling. I’ll be doing this until their grand opening on November 1st. It was okay. Nothing seemed to be too strenuous for my wrists/arms & shoulders. It’s hard work, but not TOO hard. Tongue out
Tomorrow I do the same and then Wednesday I start training on cash. If today is anything to go by, I’m going to enjoy this job. (Finally)
Sherry moved out Saturday as she found another place to stay closer to her work. This house is really small so it was nice to get my space back. (nothing against Sherry, but,…I am a virgo and therefore a bit picky about my space,…)
The weather has finally changed to normal fall conditions. I actually just turned my furnace on yesterday. I didn’t even think I needed to but Michelle was cold having her room in the basement. Time to get out the jackets once again.
Anyway, thats it for me. I’m knackered so I’m off to bed. Ta’rra

Finally finished painting

It’s late Friday night and I’m just about to hit the hay. I finished painting my living room finally. Makes a big difference. But I did something to my back while moving all the furniture back into place. Ouch!
I had an interview on Thursday for Shoppers Drug Mart and I got the job. But it’s only part time which is about 18 hours a week. I need twice the hours of that! But, still it’s better than no job at all so I took it in the hopes that with Christmas coming they will soon give me full time. I start tomorrow with a 3 hour orientation. Then I will get my schedule of when I’m working.
Things with my border weren’t going the best last week. But we finally got everything out in the open about things that were upsetting me and now I think things will be fine. Theres no doubt I need the extra money so I’m glad we got things straitened out. I am so not used to living with another adult that I was finding it quite hard. Maybe it’s true,… The older you get the more set in your ways you become,…
Anyway, not much else to ramble on about so I’m off.  Ta’rra

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, It’s Sunday night and it’s been a busy weekend so far. I decided to paint my living room. It was a horrible mustard yellow and I’ve hated it ever since I moved in. I painted it Taupe. Actually, I’ve only done 3 walls but each wall had to be washed with TSP, primered and then two coats of paint put on so it has been a lot of work. I’d like to have gotten the fourth wall done and overwith tomorrow but we’re going to Brampton to have dinner with Mom. I’m actually cooking everything and then bringing it with us. Mom just had cataract surgery so she can’t even drive. So I’m getting up (very) early and making the dinner. Then we’ll jump in the car and go to hers. That way she doesn’t have to do anything. It should be a good day. Hopefully I can relax a bit. Then Tuesday it’s back to painting. I still have the hall to do as well.
I had two interviews at Wal-Mart on Friday. They are now calling all of my references and then doing a police check before I have my third interview. All for a cashier! Had me thinking I might be assigned to watch the Wal-Mart Vault!! LOL   Shoppers Drug Mart in Alliston called today as well and want me to come in for an interview on Thursday. I would rather this job as Alliston is much closer to me than Wal-Mart is. We’ll see how it goes.
In the meantime, anyone who cares to drop by and paint,…..Open-mouthed

Feeling Good Today!

God, It is absolutely gorgeous out today. I am just on my way out for a hike this afternoon. Sun
I have put out over 40 resumes over the past week. Today I finally got a call from one. Of course it’s only Wal-Mart and not a medical office which is what I really want. But, It’s work. So hopefully I will get this and I can start putting a dent into my bill pile that is slowly building. Let’s hope this means my ‘slump’ is over.
It’s Thanksgiving week-end (and what a great forecast for it!) I’m driving to Brampton so the girls and I can be with Mom on Monday. Other than that no definite plans.
I also have a friend staying with me now. I ‘bumped’ into her on MSN one night and I was worried about no job and not being able to pay the bills, and she was worried because she just got a new job in Mississauga (and lives in Orillia) and wanted somewhere closer to stay so we figured it would be great for her to stay here until she can get organized. The situation is great as it helps out the both of us. Smile
So things are finally looking up,….