Life is testing me,…but I’m still smiling

It’s the end of February which can only mean one thing. SPRING is just around the corner. I can’t wait. I love open windows and fresh air and right now with the chilly below zero temps everything is sealed up. Tonight I walked to the mailbox just to get some fresh air in my lungs. It felt good.
Life is testing me at the moment with all the trials and tribulations of everyday life. My clothes dryer broke so now I’m having to buy a new one. And with that, of course snowballs other problems. What do I do with the old dryer? Michelle and I can’t get it from the basement to the garage. And who will bring the new one downstairs and hook it all up. (Do they even need hooking up?). And if I’m to get rid of that appliance, I may as well get rid of this un-used fridge in the basement that doesn’t work but again, how to get it out of the house,… I don’t have much money so paying someone seems unlikely at this point unless I save for quite some time. But how do we dry our clothes in the meantime?
And of course theres the Gas shortage right now. My car is on half and all of Tottenhams gas stations have run out. Do I attempt going to work in Newmarket, hope I can fill up there and things will be fine??? If I can’t find gas,  I can’t get to Newmarket to work! I’m sure it will all work out in the end. It usually does. But still,… it is a bit of a worry,….
But regardless of all this. I’m still happy. I had both girls here over the week-end and we had a great time. (as we usually do,…) I got some housework done which is always satisfying. and I caught up on some sleep which of course everyone knows I love. I also got a lot of reading done. It’s so nice to have me and the girls snuggle up in my bed with the two cats and all of just read. You can’t beat that. And then just laying there talking and giggling and hearing all about their lives. I wouldn’t trade that in for the world. So all in all,… Life is good,…..

Jacquie the handy(wo)man

I worked 10 to 3 today just doing paper work. Because it was a short day, I thought I would finally get all those ‘things’ done I’ve been wanting to do around the house. So I bravely ventured into Home Depot and bought a lock/deadbolt set for my front door and a ceiling light for my bathroom. With enthusiastic determination I started on the door. Within an hour I was sitting there with pieces everywhere. My ‘metal’ door needed bigger holes drilled. (and I have no drill). I asked the neighbours on either side of me but they didn’t own one. I can’t believe I did this but, I called the ‘ex’ (Yes,… THE ex!!!). He needed to bring Hayley over to pick up some stuff she had left here so he said he’d bring over a drill at the same time. To make a long story short,…. HE ended up doing it. It turned out to be a bitch of a job but well over an hour later he finally completed it. I was actually very grateful. He did a good job and now I have a door that LOCKS!   (I really do appreciate these things,…)  But I did feel quite deflated and my handy-woman enthusiasm was well and truly squashed. I didn’t even bother with the ceiling light for the bathroom. That will probobly now sit on my dresser for the next year. Maybe I can disguise it as a funky ornament. 
Anyway, I will stop writing here. Must slink off to bed feeling all dejected over my failure at DIY.

It’s -17 degrees tonight!!!!!!

Wow It’s a chilly one out there tonight. -17 degrees. Brass Nipples!!! Roll on spring!
I just got in from work (2:35a.m.) I’m on an 8 day streak at the moment. Another girl left so we’re now 2 girls down. It’s good for me though as my clothes dryer is broken so I have to save up to buy a new one.  😦   Wasn’t expecting that but what can you do? It’s not like I can hang my clothes outside! So, I’m pretty annoyed that theres $500.00 gone and I just moved in.
Poor M*******. Her and her Dad are having a rocky patch. He has now banned her from his home (????) I don’t know what he thinks shes like but really, she’s a good kid! I love having her here (even if she’s costing me a fortune!). I’m just really sad that they have fallen out with each other. They were so close for years. Daddy’s little girl. I feel like knocking their heads together and telling them to ‘get over it!!!!’ She only has one father,…. And he only has two daughters,…. and the way he’s carrying on he’s going to be a very lonely parent indeed! We all  know it’s the new wife. But, what can I do? Oh what tangled webs we weave,……
Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday and I’m working. It’s usually a busy night as people get drunk and silly. Apparently the Doctor does a lot of stitches,…. Why do I always get the busy nights???????
Anyway, enough for tonight,…. I’m off to get my beauty sleep,….. Tarra