Why is euthanasia wrong?


I believe we have the right to decide on anything to do with our bodies or minds.

I believe in the right to choose.

In abortion,… and in euthanasia,…

I think the laws are archaic. Who decided that it was wrong to end ones own life? Was it the Church or the government or both? I know it’s an actual law. “241 (1) Everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years who, whether suicide ensues or not, (a) counsels a person to die by suicide or abets a person in dying by suicide; or. (b) aids a person to die by suicide.” But why? Why does anyone care if someone ends their own life? It should be just like abortion. It’s my body so it’s my right!

I want to get to the root of who made this law and I really want to understand why everyone thinks suicide is so bad? They think it’s ok to put a sick and suffering pet down, but when a human is in the same situation we tell them they are not allowed to end their life but instead must suffer through the misery. WHY? Just because I am human and not a cat or dog. It doesn’t make sense to me. If I had been a sheltie or a cat I would have been put out of my misery years ago. But because I am a human ~ I am told I am NOT ALLOWED to end my suffering. What is the difference? Why do animals get humane care but humans are forced to stay alive? Someone needs to explain to me the difference. Because I think there is no difference.

The laws need to be changed. And no more of this government deciding who can and cannot end their life. MAiDs is a joke in Canada right now. The government can’t even decide amoungst themselves what the criteria should be for those who are requesting to end their life. They have now halted MAiDs for the mental health side for another 3 years. And when that 3 years is up they will find another way to red-tape and delay what you need. I firmly believe that our government HAS NO RIGHT to be in our personal business. They have no right to decide if my life is bearable or not. NO ONE has that right BUT ME.

So you can all keep calling the police but they know as well as I do that I am a veteran at this and I know what to say and what not to say to placate them to leave. (Yes officer I was just venting,…) So calling them is futile. It just makes me mad and l lose another friend. If you want to help ~ call your local MPP and demand that the ODSP wage is doubled. Because they are not listening to us down here. We are invisable to them. We need someone with clout to stand up for us so that maybe Doug Ford will finally see that we – the disabled in Ontario – are living lives of squalor and feeling hunger on a daily basis. We are not getting our needs met and our lives are miserable. I don’t understand this governments lack of caring. We have literally been thrown away and left to our own devices,… just cope!

We are never going to be a priority. We – the disabled – will always be on the bottom of the rung for help. For some reason there is absolutely NO RESPECT for the disabled in the province of Ontario Canada. A total lack of compassion for the conditons we are living in. They honestly just don’t care about us. And as disgusting as that is,… they will just have to understand that if they are to CREATE these problems for us,… then we are going to have opinions about it and we have all started to commit suicide. Because the living conditions on $1308 a month are inhumane. IF this is what you give us? Then we are going to rebel and do what we think we need to do to get out of this situation of having to ask just to eat,… We will commit suicide to escape the misery

Theres no dignity or respect for the people living in poverty. This government has taken away my dignity as well as my ability to get what I need just to survive. Well big old bully government,… thats fine,… you give me nothing but peanuts to live on ~ then I will decide that THATS NOT THE LIFE I WANT AND I WILL COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE OF IT! You caused the pain of living such a impoverished life so you have no say in what I do because of it,….

No one has the right to tell me I can’t end my life ~ no one.

The government are just bullies. And God? Don’t even get me started on the religious point of suicide.

So if you called the police you had no idea my opinions on suicide. If you called the police then you are against my beliefs. But what hurt most of all is you knew that calling the police would only put me in Homewood. Which we all know isn’t going to solve a damn thing if I just have to come out again just to go back into this hell of a thing I have to call my life. NOTHING WILL HAVE CHANGED by having to be forced into a mental hospital. Calling the police does not equal help for me,… it equals being locked up in a psychiatric hospital. But the problem of poverty will still remain,… nothing got solved but I would have had to suffer in Homewood. WHY did you call? THAT’S what you want for me?

I think it’s time to change the law and views on euthanasia. I don’t need a panel of “experts” to tell me if my pain is “enough” to warrant MAiDs,… I know my own body and my own mind. I have been suffering for YEARS. No one knows the trauma and pain I have endured over the past 25 years. I have been ‘fighting’ on all those years, but not only are things not getting better, but they get progressively worse with each passing year. And now I am at a point where my body is too old to continue on with this grind. I need a rest. I need peace. I need relief,… but my government and society is telling me I’m not allowed to get this rest.

So I don’t care who you are. The government,… the police,… the church,…. If I want to end my life,… I will,… and no one can stop me. I really don’t understand the people who would even try knowing the life I have had to endure each and every day. I would think just like your pet,… you would want peace for me.

All I’m doing is trying to end pain and poverty and finally feel peace,… why can’t I have that? Why is it wrong? It’s not,… society has just TOLD you it is,… Remember,… my life isn’t even close to what yours is,… I really don’t have any joy at all,…

I need to just be gone,….

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